On Thu, Apr 10, 2003 at 01:02:13PM +0200, Frank Van Damme wrote:
> I know. I run your packages! :)
> But Branden does the official version isn't it? 
> Errr... who dares to send him an email? :)

Well, Branden will be using my 4.3 debs as a base for his 4.3 debs. I'll
have a chat to him about it when I next talk to him about X stuff (we
regularly touch bases about patches, etc), but I can't imagine he'd have
any objection.

A few people are testing -0ds3v2, BTW. I've ironed the last of the bugs
that I know about, now it's just a matter of accosting the porters,

:) d

Daniel Stone         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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