On Wednesday 09 April 2003 13:31, Daniel Stone wrote:

> Um, I'm not a "hardware is so cheap today" guy. I've spent most of the
> thread pointing out why saying "hardware's cheap, go buy it" is a
> ridiculous assertion.

Was still pointing at KL...

> > Yes I am talking about EDO ram of course! ever tried putting SDram into a
> > pentium 1? There are parts of the world where people earn the equivalent
> > of 0.25 euros an hour. That means 2 weeks of work for my cheap 2 sticks
> > of memory.
> Yeah, exactly. Or maybe you're studying and don't work. Or maybe you're
> studying and work only just pays the bills. Or maybe you're unemployed.
> Or maybe your area has high living costs ... there are a great deal of
> reasons why telling everyone to buy better hardware is absolutely the
> wrong thing to say.

Yes. It's what MS has been telling us for years.

> > > My sister has 32mb. Again, works, but isn't the greatest.
> >
> > I found 48 megs horrible under win98.
> Depends what you put there. I spent a lot of time tuning her machine to
> get it halfway to usable.

I heard about a version of win98 "lite", that would come without IE. It would 
even make a stab at stability :p

> Well, you can, just try a few things:
> * .ICE-unix
> * disable klipper, kwrited and korgac

Kde without Klipper? Hmmm...

> * generally disable stuff you don't use
> * schedule cron jobs for 4am


Frank Van Damme    | "Saying 8MB of RAM doesn't do as much anymore is
http://www.        | like saying a gallon of water holds more than it
openstandaarden.be | did in 1988."                    --George Adkins

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