On 08.Apr 2003 - 23:08:36, Patrick Dreker wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Sorry, forgot to CC the mailing list...
> Am Dienstag, 8. April 2003 22:23 schrieb Karolina Lindqvist:
> > xfree86 115MB!!!!!
> > What is the X server doing with all that RAM?
> > Not, it is not a memory leak. I quitted xsane, and gqview, and it went down
> > to *only* 53MB.
> > There is no chance in that is going to run on a 128MB system.
> The X memory usage includes AGP mem. So if your card has 32 meg of RAM you
> have to subtract this first. My X reports 290 megs used, but I have 128 megs
> of that on my graphics board.

Are you sure? Here Xfree86 has only 26Megs and I have already 32 on the
graphics board.

> KDE still is a memory hog though...

What are you all doing? kdeinit has 58Megs here, running. And I don't
think that gmemusage is a good presentation tool, it shows me that:
xmms(178XXXK) + galeon-bin(218232K) + python2.1(144408K) = 540 Megs.
Which is what I got totally (250 Megs RAM, 290 Megs Swap)!

But thats probably because it doesn't respect that different processes
use the same memory area!


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