On Friday 04 April 2003 19:09, David Bishop wrote:
> On Friday 04 April 2003 08:17 am, Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder 
> > Yo!
> >
> > Posted here since I guess some of the kde upstream folks read this list,
> > too. Many of these probably covered somewhere else, too, so please
> > forgive me.
> A good place for these is bugs.kde.org, as I know for a fact that the main
> KMail developers (Don, Ingo, Marc) don't read this list.  You will also
> find out that (as you suspected) most of these have been noticed by other
> people, so you can 'vote' for your most pressing wishlist item or bugfix
> (rather than creating dupe bug reports, which will just be closed).

Lazyness on my part, combined with the fact that I really don't like web based 
bug trackers, and I like the more direct interaction of a mailing list.

> >  Why can the composer not remember that I want it to display the message
> > in fixed font? (I assume this is already being corrected in upstream)
> I don't really know what you're talking about here. It remembers whatever
> font I set it to in the 'Appearance'.  Are you sure you mean composer?

Well, dunno what in KDE-slang is named how. I mean the window where I compose 
a mail. The setting of the 'View -> Use fixed font' menu entry should be 

For displaying mail, I can set fixed font to be used by default just fine. And 
when I check the 'Use fixed font' in the composer, it shows fixed with or 
without using custom fonts. (This one is probably workaround-able by defining 
the proportional font the same as the fixed font.

> >  A small bug (I doubt I'm the first to notice this, either): quoted text
> > is shown in a bigger font than unquoted text. Screenshot (what's a small
> > kde app for taking them?) at
> > http://fortytwo.ch/~avbidder/kmail-quoting.png (Oh, yes: I'm *not* using
> > custom fonts, but the fonts of the global KDE config).
> Well, you would need to have custom fonts to make composer use a fixed font
> (iirc).  But this seems much more like a X server/font issue than KMail.

This one is mail display, not composer. The above was composer.

> >  Does kmail support a 'display deleted messages as strike-through' mode?
> > Problem: in mailing list folders, while scanning the subject lines, I
> > delete messages much faster than kmail can update the display (I'm using
> > IMAP over an 256/64 connection, so fetching the next message takes its
> > time). Deleting articles that fast does weird things, including making
> > kmail crash occasionally (this could also be related because displaying a
> > message takes its time whin kmail is autoverificating a gpg signature).
> No, it doesn't.  I tend to use a click/shift-click to select a bunch of
> messages, then delete them all at once.  IMAP is one of the places that
> KMail has lagged, but it is also one of the places that it has gotten
> better by leaps and bounds with each release.

Then I'll be looking forward how this develops.

> >  Likely to be a misconfiguration or missing software package: it doesn't
> > display attachments (simple ones, like jpgs etc.) inline. Wishlist
> > (that's not in kmail, though, as far as I understand): a [ ] do not ask
> > for this MIME type again check box when launching an application to view
> > an attachment.
> I get inline display of jpegs.  Maybe it uses kview? Sorry, don't know.  A
> 'don't ask again' has been implemented in HEAD, iirc.

I was confused by the fact that kmail launches an external viewer for 
non-inlined jpegs instead of using the internal viewer. 'real' inlined jpegs 
(content-disposition: inline) display just fine.

> >  Matter of taste: I don't like that kmail opens a new window for the
> > source view of the mail. For keyboard reading, switching to source view
> > and back could be easy with a single key stroke.
> If you do a lot of keyboard reading, you can bind 'view source' to a key,
> and just use alt-f4 when done.  Not what you were asking for, but better
> than a lot of mousing.

Problem is the window focus jumping around because I like focus under mouse. 
(Oh, yes, windowmanager question: is there a 'new window has focus, 
regardless of mouse position' function in KDE?)

> > kmail <-> kaddressbook integration:
> >  [ ] this person prefers HTML mail
> >  [ ] this person prefers encrypted mail
> >  [ ] don't sign mail to this person
> > (or even Use ( ) PGP/MIME ( ) inline PGP ( ) S/MIME .. to sign email for
> > this person, but that's probably too fiddly).
> This is at least partially implemented.  I recall being able to set 'always
> encrypt to this recipient', the last time I tried.  HTML and 'don't sign'
> are not.

Hmm. didn't find it, will look harder. But since I sign by default, it'd be 
the 'not sign' function I'd really use.

Thanks everybody & don't worry, I won't be ignoring bugs.kde.org forever.
-- vbi

There are 3 types of guys -- the ones who hate nerds (all nerds, that
is; girls aren't let off the hook); the ones who are scared off by girls
who are slightly more intelligent than average; and the guys who are
also somewhat more intelligent than average, but are so shy that they
can't put 2 words together when they're within 20 feet of a girl.
        -- Vikki Roemer on debian-curiosa

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