>I think special thanks goes to credativ (www.credativ.de) who employs me part >time and we installed woody systems recently that required KDE 3.1 at a >customers site.
Don't be so modest ;-) You deserve at least as much thanks as they do. But then they do pay your wages. > If it weren't for that it would have taken me much longer to >do this on a volunteer basis. Being a SuSE user for years I'm extremely >impressed myself that Debian makes things so easy although it's been said to >be an expert system only. > Debian quit being an expert only system when apt-get was introduced. Progeny introduced the Debian way to many after Corel made a b00!!:* of trying to bring Debian to the desktop. >BTW the new Knoppix 3.2 is using my packages also it seems :-) > Imitation is the sincerest form of flatery, >Ralf > Great work all round! Cheers, John Gay