"James D. Freels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> It has been a while since I have installed kde3.1 from sid and
> everything that is there works great.
> I obtain kmail from kdenetwork packages of cheney, but I did not
> realize until today that kaddressbook was not in the packaging.  I
> hope we can get that soon.  In the mean time, does anyone know how
> to get a binary or easily build from source.  "apt-get -b source
> kab" failed out of the box.  I had to
> cd kdeutils-3.1.0
> chmod +x ./configure
> cd /usr/include
> ln -s qt3 qt
> Then kdeutils would build.  But I don't think kab is in there ?

It's probably a part of kdepim. The much-feared mythical gatekeepers
known as the "ftp-masters" are obviously still denying entry to it.

Does anybody know, why? I thought it was related to certain Qt
troubles that caused FTBFS bugs. But I that this had been sorted out
in the meantime.

BTW: I just saw koffice in incoming. So let's not give up the hope and
keep praying that kdenetwork and kdepim will follow one shiny day...


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