A Dijous 20 Febrer 2003 00:40, Ralf Nolden va escriure: Hi Ralf, thank's for the answer. I'm a bit worried about that, because my application need OpenGl suport, and althought it's a pure qt application, I'm trying to follow the same rules as kde amd debian.
> > But this change it's only in qt3.1?, because qt3.0.x you only have to > > compile with qt. > > > > For example, SoQt, makes a check, and do it with qt to find if it can > > compile qglwidget. What are doing the others distros? > > qglwidget.a was a static library that the GL classes were collected in for > Qt2.x, but this is now a standard part of libqt-mt (as said, libqt can't be > linked against xlibmesa, only libqt-mt can be). Ok, I hope that that change were a good change. > I'm sorry, but this is a requirement. There is no other technical way in Qt > 3.1 to deal with this. It also helps to simplify the use of Qt. By the way, > you should *always* use libqt-mt wherever possible with Qt 3 so that your > application integrates seamlessly into KDE and picks up the KDE style to > run with. Ok, so this is question is about the xlib, and how is linked qt. Ok. > > I remember that qt2 had a qt-gl package (in debian). When I compiled my > > program at work (with debian), I had to put -lqt-gl. At home with > > Mandrake I had to erase that line because qt was with gl suport. > > Yes, Qt was quite misconfigured for a while :-(( We tried to correct all > issues with the current build and I'm quite content with it now. The > current (means: the 3.1.1-4 build going into sid tomorrow; I'll update my > builds as well) build are the most that you can make out of Qt and > configure it in a way that will allow better coexistance with Qt 2 as well > as Qt-embedded 2.x and 3.x When it will be avalaibe for woody 3.0? > > Now I will have to do something similar? > > > Please use -lqt-mt if you're unsure. Make your packages depend on having > libqt3-mt-dev installed as a build dependency so that you actually link > against libqt-mt.so. Ok, I have done it and it works. Thank's for all. Leo -- Linux User 152692 Catalonia