Hello Michael

Do you have a plain woody installation or do you have the debs from bunk installed to?

I had to go back to a plain woody installation without the bunk packages, but with the proposed updates included. Bevor I also had some crashes of konqueror, kmail, koffice.

Regards Matthias Kreis

Michael Spanier wrote:
Am Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2003 09:10 schrieb Andy:

I'm installing kde3.1 for woody with Ralf Noldens debs, but everytime I
use konqueror as filemanager it crashes konqueror.

Anyone else has experienced this problem?

It happens to me alot....but not everytime.

If I log out and do a console login as root and delete
everything out of /tmp completely, then I am okay for
about 3 days.  I am a heavy KDE 3.1 user.  That is all I use.
( but I still consider myself a novice to Debian and KDE )

I want to ask this list to help my write a script to
delete everything out of /tmp.  Can I do that while
logged into KDE or do I have to log out and into the
console login to do this?
( this is the only way I can solve the problem...remember I am a novice )

I usually do this as root console ( I think ) :
cd /tmp
rm -rf *
rm -rf .*  (to delete the hidden directories)
(I think...can't remember right now and half asleep)

Then log back into KDE and everything works great for days.
I am on Debian 3.0 stable and I LOVE KDE.

Well I have tried this, but konqueror crashed again :-(


remasec kreis & gut                 
Matthias Kreis                                  E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Alte Landstrasse 106                            Tel:    071 770 0350
Postfach 202                                    Fax:    071 770 0351
9445 Rebstein                                   Web:    www.remasec.ch

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