On Thursday 06 February 2003 03:43, Pietro Calogero wrote:
> To sum up:
> Newbie with Woody 3.0 installed and running kernel 2.4.18 on IBM
> Thinkpad770 (256MB RAM, 20GB HD)
> Downloaded KDE 3.1 .debs from KDE.org, including packages.gz, created
> similar directory structure on local HD.
> Ran deselect, changed to mounted filesystem, got it to identify
> directory for KDE 3.1.
> Attempted to install all available packeages in directory; crashed
> KDE 2.2 (yes, like an idiot I was trying to upgrade KDE while running
> KDE 2.2). Crashed the window manager, relogged into GNOME, attempted
> to continue, but dselect returns an error message when trying to
> install brokenly-installed packages.
> Cannot figure out how to update /etc/apt/sources.list to include the
> directory I created on the HD

Well ,if this is any help to you . . .
If your packages are in  /home/pietro/debs/  then a simple way to use 
the local packages with apt would be:
cd  /home/pietro/debs/
touch file
dpkg-scanpackages .  file|gzip>Packages.gz

 deb file:/home/pietro/debs  ./
to your /etc/apt/sources.list
then run apt-get update

You will want to remove KDE 2.2.2 first before installing these new 
ones.  Removing kdelibs3 would probably get rid of many of them, then 
you could use dpkg -l|grep 2.2.2 and dpkg -l|grep arts  to see what is 
left to remove manually.  If apt-get is borked because of being tied up 
with conflicts you will have to use dpkg --purge --force-depends 
<packages> now.  

Have a look at http://devel-home.kde.org/~nolden/kde/README for other 

Hope this helps,

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