On Tue, 28 Jan 2003 13:05, Roberto Franchini wrote: > What I understand is: > 1- X and qt should be rebuilded against gcc3.2 > 2- kde could be rebuilded agaist gcc3.2 > Am I right?
Only C++ libraries (or rather libraries that have C++ entry points) need to be rebuilt, and of course any application that depends on those entry points. qt is one such library, as far as I am aware the core X code has no such libraries. Once libqt3 and other essential C++ libraries are rebuilt then the introduction of KDE3.1 will be able to proceed. -- http://www.coker.com.au/selinux/ My NSA Security Enhanced Linux packages http://www.coker.com.au/bonnie++/ Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark http://www.coker.com.au/postal/ Postal SMTP/POP benchmark http://www.coker.com.au/~russell/ My home page