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On Saturday 25 Jan 2003 2:27 pm, Mario J. Barchéin Molina wrote:

> Hello, I have a problem with fixed width fonts. I can view only one font
> as fixed width (Courier [bitstream]). The other fonts (Console, Clean,
> Fixed[whatever], ...) appear in the list, but they show as "helvetica"
> with a big spacing between characters.

I have reported it as a bug.


I have spent a large portion of today (in between painting the bathroom 
ceiling:-) ) trying to debug what is happening here.

I have built a very small qdesigner app which just toggles the 
QFont::fixedPitch state of the font in a simple QLineEdit box.  When the 
state is on, the text is double width, when off it displays normally.

I've been using a debugger (gvd) to step through a home compiled (with debug) 
version of qt-copy.  Unfortunately I have been unable to locate the place 
where the text is actually formatted and output.  I have been close 
(QRichText.cpp - seems to calculate all the individual character widths in 
the string via a font metric) but all the font metrics (particularly of 
course the character width) seem to have standard values.

I also haven't seen anything in all of this where the fixedPitch boolean is 
used.  I have a suspicion that all the text display is actually handed off to 
the X libraries and its in here that the problem lies.  The bug started when 
I upgraded libxft and installed fontconfig for the first time.

- -- 
Alan Chandler
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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