Achim Bohnet wrote:
On Wednesday 22 January 2003 11:16, J. Woch wrote:

Hi folks,

in a pathetic attempt to be useful in some way I decided to dig into KDE development. So I broke my leg at the very first step: compiling qt-copy :-)
Doing exactly what README.qt-copy told me, I'm getting this on Debian/unstable:

Exactly ? Are you really sure? Try grep YACC README.qt-copy ;-) yacc never worked for me. byacc always did.

README.qt-copy suggests to export YACC="byacc -d"
This, however, doesn't solve anything, but additionally installing the package byacc does. :-)
Then again, the make process insists on calling yacc instead of byacc (ignoring $YACC), so I had to change that by hand.

Thanks to all,

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