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On Saturday 18 Jan 2003 11:00 pm, Dirk Schmidt wrote:
> I've experienced exactly the same problem.
> But, after I installed mutts-gpgme and libncursesw5 (which will be
> installed automatically by apt-get), the pinentry dialog appeared when
> using mutts. The strange thing is, that thereafter pinentry-gtk worked from
> kmail, too.
> I could not proove until now, that the installation of the packages above
> was the real "solution", though I didn't change anything apart from that.
> Maybe you could also try your luck with installing mutts-gpgme and create a
> signed message with it.
> If the problem disappears on your system too, my observation would be
> confirmed and we then could search the problem's real cause. Not less
> strange is the fact, that you can remove mutts-gpgme and libncursesw5 then
> and kmail will still work.

I don't know what I am talking about ...  but,

If the mutts-gpgme use creates a .xxx file in your home directory which 
pinentry-gtk needs to work then the behaviour that you see will be explained.

perhaps an ls -al on $HOME to see of there are any candidates that were 
created about the time of first use might be a start.

- -- 
Alan Chandler
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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