On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 20:32, Ralf Nolden wrote:
thanks for your great work.
I have one problem with pixieplus. I tried install both versions on
unstable, but it all the time says it depends on liblcms (>=1.08-1), but
when I give apt to install this package, it tried to uninstall all KDE
3.1, so I stopped it.
Can you give me a clue?

> - - pixieplus 0.5.0 -> 0.5.1  (that also fixes the error with the 
> x-pcx.desktop 
> mimelnk file. Mosfet forgot about it again, so I removed it after make 
> install and before the packages get created)

> Ralf
> - -- 

Ing. Vladimir M. Kerka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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