Hi, I'm in trouble with kmail and gpg. Sometimes, when opening a gpg signed message, kmail hangs. gpg is working correctly, and kmail configured. It worked before upgrading to Ralph's debs. KMail starts the process "gpg --batch --decrypt". If that proc is killed, kmail still works and I can read the mesage. My versions:
GNU/Debian woody with the last security updates gnupg 1.0.6-3 kmail (1.5) 3.0.99+cvs2003 Any ideas? Thanks in advance, to everybody in this list and to the KDE team people for this good desktop. Albert Teixidó -- Albert Teixidó Pub PGP key 0x0E16E76 Albert Teixidó <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at pgp.rediris.es