Hello, First, thanks to Ralf and Karolina for providing the binary KDE packages. Here's some feedback on Ralf's most recent ones, many of which bare the version "4:3.0.99+cvs20030104-0woody1". I'm using kernel 2.4.20-xfs.
- I'm using "kdm", and when I select Log Out, nothing seems to happen. So after 30 seconds or so, I try again. Nothing seems to happen. So I use ctrl-alt-delete to force quit. This isn't reproducible though-- If I log into an empty session and log out again, it works. I'm not sure what the trigger is. I experienced this both when the session manager was set to save the current state, and when it was set to revert to a preset state. - When I try use a Netscape plug-in in Konqueror, I always get an error message explaining that the file "libnsplugin.la" can't be found. I have the package named "konqueror-nsplugins" installed with the latest version, but there are no ".la" files in the file list. - There appears to be a bug in the Konqueror KControl module. I can reproduce it like this: - Select "Configure Konqueror" under "Settings" in Konqueror. - Select File Associations - Select a file type to work with, such as using *.txt to select "text/plain" - Select "Embedding" tab - Select a service such as "KWord" - click "Edit...". Nothing happens for me at this point. If the service isn't editable, the "Edit.." button should be non-selectable. If it /is/ editable, something should happen or I should get. If other folks are experiencing these issues and they appear to be a KDE issue not a packaging issue, I'm happy to report them as needed through the official channels. Thanks! Mark (a recent Debian convert from FreeBSD) http://mark.stosberg.com/