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On Freitag, 3. Januar 2003 14:42, Alan Chandler wrote:
> On Friday 03 Jan 2003 12:35 pm, Ralf Nolden wrote:
> > On Freitag, 3. Januar 2003 10:05, Alan Chandler wrote:
> > > On Thursday 02 Jan 2003 9:58 pm, Ralf Nolden wrote:
> > > > Please report problems to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or here.
> > >
> > > Running debian unstable - kuickshow now crashes - although a the
> > > version you made on the 27/28 Dec was stable.
> > >
> > > I displays images OK, but it crashes (reproducibly) when deleting an
> > > image or when attempting to display the last image in the set it has.
> >
> > I updated kdegraphics after carsten's fix. Can you apt-get update;
> > apt-get upgrade to the newest version and test if that fixes your
> > problems ? Otherwise we have to bug carsten again :-)
> Yes - it works now
> Thanks
> One other slight issue (I know its a woody/sid thing - and I am not using
> this package - so it doesn't matter to me) but kamera requires libexif5 and
> sid only has libexif7 so the dependencies are not met.  This is turn
> effects kdegraphics.
Yes. But we can't do much about that. libexif5 is sufficient for woody systems 
and it ships with it. To keep the number of backported stuff low I won't use 
that. Instead I'll build a sid version completely from scratch that can 
handle all the fontconfig problems that woody users don't have :-))
BTW I just added a backport from geramik-0.17 from unstable for gtk1.x. Damn, 
finally this looks like something useful :-)


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Ralf Nolden

The K Desktop Environment       The KDevelop Project
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