Op donderdag 21 november 2002 16:00, schreef Corey Kovacs:
> I've experienced a similar problem. I've got the debs from karolina on a
> 733MHz machine with 512 MB
> of ram. When I log in to under KDE from KDM, I get a very regular, hard
> drive hit. About once every
> second I get a hit as if it's getting something from cache or something.
> I've got plenty of free RAM
> available so I shouldn't be swapping, and I am running kernel 2.4.19 with
> XFS added. This has never been
> a problem before and until now I've chalked it up to "It's a beta". Top
> reveals nothing out of the ordinary either.

AOL, it's the same with kernel 2.5.47 and all (relevant) disks mounted with 
"noatime" using reiserfs for filesystem. It's only ticking with KDE, Gnome2 & 
BlackBox are silent.

        Casper Gielen
Linux sucks twice as fast and 10 times more reliably,
and since you have the source, it's your fault. -Ca1v1n 

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