On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 11:55:36AM +0000, David Goodenough wrote:
> What does the red light under the microphone level on KMix mean?
> I tried to run krecord but nothing seemed to be happening, so I 
> started kmix and noticed that this light was on.  So I tried the
> help, but all I got was help about help, and Ctrl-F1 did not seem
> to work either.  The hoverhelp says "Recording", but nothing was 
> going to krecord, and the light is still on when krecord and
> all other multimedia apps are not running, is this the CIA perhaps?

As far as I can tell, OSS always has one channel setup for recording.
By default, this seems to be the mix channel (which is also muted).
Assuming you don't have a mic plugged in, you should be fine.  You might
want to run netstat once in a while though, to see if your machine is
connecting to echelon.nsa.gov :)


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