On Sat, Oct 26, 2002 at 04:45:00AM -0400, Andy Saxena scrawled:
> Thanks for the information. However, will there be any other issues for
> users of the current 3.0.x (or 3.1.xi, when it's available) packages
> once KDE3 moves into unstable after being compiled with gcc 3.2?

KDE3 in unstable will be 3.1, so the packages will need to be rebuilt
anyway. There's a transition plan[1] that defines a way to do this
without breaking anything; you should read it.

> It seems there are some issues, that I don't quite understand, with
> having the gcc 2.95 compiled packages in the main unstable tree. These
> issues are related with the gcc 3.2 transition. I would think those of
> us running these packages will face the same issues.

Not really. KDE 2.2 and 3.0 will be built with gcc < 3.x, and KDE 3.1
will be built with gcc 3.2, it's really as simple as that. Wait, let's
make it even more simple. To draw a line in the sand, anything built past
this point in time is gcc3.2.

:) d

[1]: http://people.debian.org/~willy/c++-transition.html

Daniel Stone         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Developer - http://kopete.kde.org, http://www.kde.org
Proof BitMover are community-focussed:

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