Daniel Stone wrote:
> Not necessarily. When I use KDE, I largely want to use KDE apps. I
> personally think GNOME/KDE should offer their own menus, with a submenu
> in each category for "Non-{GNOME,KDE} Applications". I don't see a
> problem with this, i.e. how our KDE3 packages do it.

Well I cannot speak about KDE from direct experience, but I can tell you
that for gnome, having to explain to a nontechnical user[0] who doesn't
even know what gnome is (except for that splash screen that comes up
when she logs in) why some things are on this set of menus, and some
other, seemingly pretty similar sort of things[1] are all the way over
here, in this other set of menus, can be is pretty frustrating and

Putting the paraih apps in a submenu under the blessed gui consistent
appts[3] does seem like an improvement over how gome does it anyway.

see shy jo

[0] Relatively; upgrading from fvwm2..
[1] Many of them using GTK and so looking much like any other gnome app.
[2] Especially given that I was one of the main designers of the debian menu
[3] I think that the general inconsistency of the web has made many users
    notice minor gui inconsistencies less than we do, oddly.

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