> > Quit kmail, delete the index files, i.e rm ~/Mail/.Data.index*, and
> > restart kmail and it should reappear.
> >
> > Nick
> I tried the above and did not work in my case.  After much work I gave up,
> deleted ~/.kde/config/apps/kmailrc  and began again.  All of my email
> directories were recreated except for my Data dir.
> Now I assume that something has been changed about the file.  Can anyone
> give me a way to recover a maildir into KMail?
> --

-rw-------    1 oracle   oracle   3022742791 2002-10-20 20:12 Data

the mail is in a mbox file not a maildir

so options are you can go through it by hand looking for the problem

I did a 'apt-cache search mbox' and there are a few that might help

'mail-expire' looks interesting

mail-expire is a small and fast script that scans mbox files for messages
 that are older than given maximum age and moves them to another (compressed)
 mailbox file or just deletes them.

you could get to move all mail more than day old to a new mbox and then 
uncompress it and try that


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