On Sat, Oct 12, 2002 at 02:05:38AM -0500, Chris Cheney wrote:

> Feel free to reply to this thread regarding any ideas on cleanups, or
> anything else related to packaging.
I have one question regarding packaging in the CVS tree, last time I
checked KDE_3_0_BRANCH kdelibs and kdebase version was 3.0.4, the rest
of your packages 3.0.2, B. Burton packages 3.0.3, and the rest of them
I cannot remember. The same in KDE_3_0_3_RELEASE.

This mess is only because KDE3 is not in sid?  I mean, will it change
in the future?  Once KDE3 is in sid, I will be able to upgrade all
my KDE3 packages just running cvsup(1) against kde.org servers on
one run and compiling and optimizing them for my slow machine, without
downloading tens of megabytes of code or syncing packages by hand at
any upgrade as is happening now?  Will be this a day feasible at all?

Many "?" but just one question, as you can see...  ;-)


If Linux is not Unix then Windows are not Gates
                         Anonymous, XXI Century

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