Ben Burton wrote:
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Your post was both offensive and
discriminatory (yes I know some gay people, and I find anti gay comments
vulgar and unneccessary).

Hmm? How was Russell's post offensive, discriminatory or anti-gay? He was mistaken about your sexual orientation but that's about all I can see. Hell, that happens to me every day.

On the other hand, as a gay person myself I must say I'm offended that you took offense to being mistaken for gay. :)

That's an interesting interpretation Ben.  :)

Russel's remark was clearly meant as a personal insult, and David's response was not a reaction to being "mistaken for being gay" but for the personal insult intended in that remark. I'm not here to defend the other things David said, but I'm surprised you cannot see the intent of the original gay remark. It was not your ordinary redneck gay bashing, it was less obvious, more subtle, and thus more insidious.

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