On Fri, 2002-09-27 at 19:58, scooter wrote: > what happens on a Debian system when you compile from source? I have run in > succession 3.0 alpha, 3.0beta, 3.1 alpha and now 3.1beta (or for you purests > 3.0.7) All built from tarballs on the dread RH. I have never had the > slightest difficulty with KDE on RH unless it was something of my own doing > but for reasons I will not go into on this list, I am switching to Debian. > Since I am a gnome blows kinda guy and require, no insist that I have KDE and > in the 3.0 family running on debian woody. I have no experience with .deb or > any other debian tools. never liked RPMs for that matter and have always > built my packages from source. > What say you fellows? source? will there be issues?
No more than on any other system, I guess. Just make sure you never have something installed *both* as a .deb package and as self compiled. (But that's the same as with rpm systems). Use apt-get to grab anything you don't want to compile, then go from there. One thing to pay attention: the default compiler on most Debian platforms is gcc-2.9x, so gcc-3.2 might not be installed (iirc kde did have some problems with earlier compilers). Not sure if the gcc from woody is recent enough to support the newest kde betas - you may want to have a mixed woody/sarge system (read 'man apt_preferences'). cheers -- vbi -- secure email with gpg http://fortytwo.ch/gpg NOTICE: subkey signature! request key 92082481 from keyserver.kjsl.com
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