David Pashley wrote:
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On Friday 13 September 2002 1:52 pm, Tamas Greguss wrote:


I use KDE 2.2.2 and when I choose Logout, it asks if I really want to
logout but there is no options to choose shutdown or reboot, too.
I can do shutdown or reboot only from KDM.
How can I configure KDE to ask me at logout if I want logout, shutdown,
or reboot? I couldn't find such a setting in KDE Control Center, but I
do know that it is possible because I saw it in another distribution
(Mandrake Linux).


I think this is only available using KDE3, and then only by using KDM as login manager.

I'm sure someone will correct me.

Yes :). Mandrake hacked this into KDE 2.2.x. KDE 3.x has it in upstream version, but it looks much better than old mdk hack (it displays nice konqui image ;). Solution: upgrade to KDE 3.

- -- David Pashley
Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.

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