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On Friday 13 September 2002 12:31, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Is there any light in the tunnel for kde3 being uploaded in Sid some day,
> some year or so?
> I might be sounding a bit negative but haven't seen any progress or some
> sort of status from the maintaineres for some while now...... Is it still
> the transition to gcc 3.X that slows debians progress to be a useful
> desktop system?

kde3 will go into sid when the gcc3.2 transiton is over/complete. KDE is very 
much a C++-based system and there is little point uploading it using gcc3.1 
and then reuploading/compiling it in X days/weeks when the gcc3.2 transition 
happens. And it cannot be uploaded now as gcc3.2 becuase the ftp-masters will 
not allow gcc3.2 libraries in until the DD's have worked out how to best deal 
with gcc3.2.

I think it is just a matter of being patient, or helping the developers decide 
how the gcc3.2 transition is going to happen, so that it can happen and kde3 
can go in.

I notice that people have stopped asking when X4.2 will be in sid, and when 
openoffice.org will be in sid... [and no, I'm not asking now, either]

Paul Cupis
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