I would welcome advice on a choice of Linux text editors with word wrap. I am 
being pragmatic in the transition from Windows to Linux and expect there will 
machines with one or both on our home network for the foreseeable future. I 
am, however, moving from only playing with Linux to using it for real work. I 
am not interested in the holy wars of vi versus EMACS but have no problem 
with making the effort to learn one or the other. Under CP/M, DOS and 
Windows, I tended to settle on one editor for several years and learn it 
inside out.

I am also, to the extent possible, moving away from using a full-featured word 
processor for simple text editing, e.g. off-line drafting of e-mail messages.

The KDE text editors (kedit/kate/kwrite) have a familiar command set and 
interface for ex-Windows users. My problem with them is that the word wrap 
feature inserts a newline at each word wrap whereas I am used to editors that 
wrap only on screen but not "to disk". Newlines are inserted only by a user's 
explicit keystroke.

I would welcome suggestions for strong text editors with a "no newline" 
implementation of word wrap.


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