On Sun, Jul 14, 2002 at 12:25:39AM -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> "Steve M. Robbins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: 
> > About the new SONAME for imlib.  It would be nice if we had
> > cooperation across distributions about this.  I've emailed upstream a
> > few times over the the last month or two about picking a standard
> > soname, but have heard nothing back.  For their "rawhide", RedHat went
> > ahead and linked in libpng3 *without* changing the SONAME.  So I think
> > we can kiss cross-distribution compatibility goodbye.
> Note that we went to some care to maintain the ABI of gdk_imlib, by
> forcing it to load libpng with private symbols.

Yes, true.  That is very clever.  Nevertheless, REMOVING some symbols
is a change of the ABI.  I thought it best to change the SONAME of
gdk_imlib to reflect that.  If I have to change the soname anyway,
then why not leave the symbols in gdk_imlib?

> For plain imlib, my basic sentiment is that it's barely maintained,
> deprecated, not used by many things, and not a very good library...

You are likely right about this, and I suspect the same applies
to gdk_imlib as well.  Nonetheless, it is imlib that is being
used in some KDE apps, as I understand it.

> its non-maintenance is why this problem exists, since the real
> solution here is for upstream to release a parallel-installable new
> version that uses libpng3.

Yes: change the SONAME, and the libraries are parallel installable!

Well, I suppose you meant the developer packages, too.  That would
be nice, but that's a separate discussion.  The binary libraries are
parallel installable by design -- as long as the SONAMEs differ.

> Still the soname probably should be incremented. I can do that still,
> rawhide is just a beta, it's not released.

Great!  How about we bump it to "2", then.  If you agree, I'll stick
the patches (trivial changes to Makefile.am & configure.in) into
bugzilla over the weekend.


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