On Sunday 10 March 2002 02:13, David Bishop wrote: > On Sun, Mar 10, 2002 at 02:04:01AM +0000, John Gay wrote: > > I realise this is NOT supported at all yet, but I did have it working, > > before I nuked my system. Now I don't remember how I did it. Ivan had > > created an AA howto metapackage, but it's gone now. > > > > I can set QT_XFT=1 from a shell and then launch KDE app's from that shell > > and have AA, but where do I set this to be enabled from boot again? > > You can either set it in the startkde script or there should be a > checkbox in kcontrol, under "look and feel", "fonts". > Putting QT_XFT=1
into the /usr/bin/startkde script worked for AA! > > On a similar topic, I made a new AA font for my daughter. Where do I > > install this and set it up so X and KDE can find it? > > tt? Just put it in the directory with the rest of the tt fonts. For > "old-school" (bitmap?) I dunno, you have to do some weird fonts.dir crap > that I never understood. > I put the ttf font into /usr//X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF along with the other fonts, and even did update-fonts-dir, but I still don't have my daughters new fonts? I know Debian has some special tools for working with fonts. deforma and dfontmgr, but these only seem to work with existing Debian-installed fonts. What else am I missing? > HTH and HAND! > > D.A.Bishop Thanks for the help! Cheers, John Gay