wanna-build status for different archs

kdebase       - m68k dep-wait - mips building (stuck?)
kdeadmin      - m68k building (stuck?)
kdemultimedia - m68k building (stuck?)
kdenetwork    - hppa building (stuck?) - m68k failed   - sparc needs-build
kdepim        - hppa building (stuck?) - m68k dep-wait - sparc needs-build
kdeutils      - hppa building (stuck?) - m68k dep-wait - sparc needs-build


kdelibs       - should go into woody once the m68k buildd maintainer
                uploads the m68k deb to ftp-master

kdemultimedia - will not be available on mips/mipsel due to internal
                compiler errors.
kdepim        - will not be available on hppa due to gcc3 errors but
                will still go into woody.

kdegraphics   - needs new upload with DNC kamera  (or fix for kamera)
kdeutils      - needs new upload with DNC ark     (or fix for ark)


kde-meta will be examined once all of the rest are finished.

I might have missed something, if I did let me know.



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