Thanks for your quick reply!  :)
I've got a couple questions:

--- Chris Cheney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 20, 2002 at 09:58:34PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > So: did you do the dinstall?
> > Is the fix now in the Sid package pool (and hence should have been
> available to
> > my system when I did apt-get update)?
> Not yet, it was uploaded but have to be manually added.

The manually adding is something you need to do, 
not the persons upgrading their Sid systems, correct?
> > If so - any idea why my Sid is still having this problem?
> see above
> > If not - when (in # of days) do you think Sid systems will be able to
> install
> > metapackage "kde"?
> metapackage will be the last thing I fix since it depends on every other
> package.

OK.  So, approximately when (# days) do you think that might be done?
> I will hopefully upload a new kdebase tomorrow (about 12hrs from now).
> They have new packages in them so have to be manually overridden before
> they can go in.  As I found out today it will cause some ugly breakage
> so put kdelibs/kdebase on hold when they appear

Are you saying that _you_ will put those on hold, 
or that persons doing an upgrade on their Sid systems should put those packages
on hold?  

I suspect you mean the former.  But, if you mean the latter, how does one do

> until I finish uploading
> the rest of kde. I wish versioned provides worked. :<


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