Chris - would you please post a very brief status message to the list twice a week, telling readers what the status of your kde packaging effort is, and what potential problems installers might encounter, and how to get around those problems? Those few minutes of you time would save many many hours of the list's reader's time.
I'm sure you are very busy, and probably need another thing to do like you'd need a hole in the head. But, it would really be a big help. I hope you can fit it into your schedule. Please at least once per week, if twice is not possible. Thank you for your work. :) =========================================================== STATUS: "kde" has been uninstallable for about a week. :( It appears the kde metapackage has been been uninstallable for about a week. ccheney also hasn't responded to my status request for more than a week. I regard this as bad. I'd hope ccheney could post a status message for the kde packages at least once, better twice, a week, in order to save debian-kde list reading installers many hours of each having to "re-discover" problems on their own. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games