KDE-Debian HowTo for KDE2 & Debian3=Woody X86.  Ver 0.22
By tluxt 020208

See the end of Section 3 for current KDE status info:
Some notes about: What is keeping 'kde' metapackage out of Woody?

The next parts I'll add (maybe):
How KDE-Debian is progressing based on Debian packages page data
When will KDE on Debian be up to date?
cc could use some help? Where?
text about pinning
After that probably comes howto backup onto CD.
Then sound & kernel compiling?

I currently do not have enough time to answer questions about
KDE or Debian, or even various ways to accomplish the tasks described
here.  If you have such questions, please ask them on
debian-kde@lists.debian.org     :)

I do welcome info about this document.  If you have any corrections,
or suggestions about it, please send them to me - these I will make
time to answer, if necessary.

This document is in a very early version, and there will be addditions
and changes.

I have done many of the actions described here,
so you have that assurance that (many of) these procedures have worked for
someone.  Many descriptions here are likely from other people (thanks to
them!).  I may have misinterpreted those descriptions, so that's a
possible source of error.

Part of this is created from my not immediately recent
memory, so there might be something incorrect there.  I will attempt
to update this document as I personally redo installs, etc, if I notice
anything that could be improved.

If you see any errors, please let me know.  I have decided I don't have
time to verify all the info sent to me about these procedures that I
conclude should appear in this document.  So for a substantial, and
increasing, part of the document I have included submitters comments

The title of this document includes "X86".  That is because I have done
these procedures on that processor.  In general, I suspect these
procedures will usually apply for other processors.

Ultimately the goal is to get this document onto a web page somewhere.

CONTENTS (Tentative):

Part 1:  Intro
1) Quick Summary of Install Instructions
2) General Debian Info
     Pointer to apt howto
     Pointer to other persons quick notes
     Pulling packages from unstable
       With pinning

Part 2:  SW Installation & Descriptions
4) Installing Debain & X
5) Installing KDE
     Install KDE
     Some things to set up in KDE
6) Printing & Postscript/PDF
     Postscript/PDF; ghostscript gs; Kghostview; gs-aladdin
7) CD Writing & Data Backups
8) Pictures - Viewing & Organizing
9) Communications
     email, IRC, ICQ, voice & video meeting, net2phone
10) Sound - drivers, kernel compiling, mp3
11) Video - MPEG & AVI & Quicktime
12) USB
13) Office Aps:
      WP, HTML editing, Presentations, SSheet, Database
      KMail, KNode?  mail, newsgroups
14) SW Development: kdevelop

Part 3:  Future
15) KDE3

Chris Cheney is the KDE packager for Debian.

1) Quick Summary of Install Instructions

For those who don't want to RTFM, here's the install summary.

***** What to install: Woody, Sid, kdebase, kde metapackage
"W"=Woody, "S"=Sid, "SW"=Software.

There are two Debian systems you can install to get KDE 2.2: Woody & Sid.
Advantages: Packages had been stable for a while before getting into W.
Disadvantages: A bug may have been discovered after it got into W.
   Newer features may be available in Sid packages.
Advantages: Newer features & perhaps bugfixes than SW in W.
Disadvantages: Sid packages may have new bugs not yet discovered.
  If you use Sid, and you do "apt-get update; apt-get upgrade",
    you will be downloading more packages than if you used W.
If stability is more important to you than latest features, use W.

In the KDE 2.2 system for Debian, there is a metapackage called "kdebase"
that contains all the basic essential KDE sw.
There is a metapackage called "kde" that includes the package kdebase,
plus many other useful kde packages.

As of 020208, "kde" is only in Sid, waiting to have some bug(s) fixed, in
order for it to be moved into W. You can get more SW installed easily by
installing the package "kde". As of 020202 there are two ways to do this:
1) Install W, then use pinning to install the "kde" metapackage from S.
2) Install Sid, then install the package "kde".

As of 020204, ccheney, KDE maintainer, says he hopes to have the "kde"
metapackage fixed in Sid in his next set of uploads.
If that happens, it could be as soon as 10 days that the "kde"
metapackage gets into Woody.  (But it currently looks like this
is going to take at least several weeks of effort.)

***** Preparation


Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 - Installation Documentation Index


***** Installing Base Debian Linux
Install Debian          ;http://www.debian.org/releases/testing/i386/install
Decide before you start if you'll be installing Woody or Sid.

The following files should be sufficient for between 60-90% of all
Debian installs on modern computer HW, I suspect.
These are the standard ('vanilla') W installation files for 1.44 MB floppy.

From: Installing Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 For Intel x86

Chapter 4 Obtaining System Installation Media
4.2 Downloading Files from Debian Mirrors
11.2.3 Description of Installation System Files

rescue image

root image(s) or tarball

4.3.1 Writing Disk Images From a Linux or Unix System
  To write the floppy disk image files to the floppy disks, you will
  probably need root access to the system. Place a good, blank floppy in the
  floppy drive. Next, use the command
    dd if=file of=/dev/fd0 bs=1024 conv=sync ; sync
  where file is one of the floppy disk image files

driver floppies archive
Has extra drivers beyond what is on the rescue & root disks.
If needed, put this file on your HD. Or, can use the floppy version,
if no way to put this on the HD.

For installing from Microsoft DOS
(Won't work w/ Windows Millenium Edition, and perhaps 2000, I think:
   You must use boot floppies, but can put kernel img & drivers on harddisk.)

Linux boot loader for DOS:
  You will need this boot loader if you are installing from a DOS partition
  or from a CD-ROM. See Booting from a DOS partition, Section 5.4.1.

DOS Installer Batch Files:
  DOS batch file for starting Debian installation from DOS. This batch file
  used in installations from hard disk or CD-ROM. See Booting from a DOS
  partition, Section 5.4.1. Linux Kernel Files
 Linux kernel files.
  This is the Linux kernel image to be used for hard disk installations.
  You don't need it if you are installing from floppies. Utilities
  This is a DOS utility to write a floppy disk image to a floppy. You should
  not copy images to the floppy, but instead use this utility to
  ``raw write'' them.

***** Installing X Windows
At the end of the Debian installation, you are put into the Tasksel program
and can install further SW.  At this point, only install the X
Window system, nothing more.  Do not install the combination KDE & Gnome
task (unless that's what you really want), since the next steps cover
how to best install KDE.

tasksel: install X      ;For simplicity, can just specify your monitor size
                        ;in inches (ex: 15").  Or, specify your exact
                        ;video system.
;Don't bother to install anything else at this tasksel time.

***** Installing KDE
;In the following, as of 020204, where it says "install kdebase",
;Use "install kdebase" if you are installing Woody.
;Use "install kde"     if you are installing Sid.

***** Pinning, &/or installing packages from different version
Pinning Unstable:
  apt-show-versions is a script which eases maintenance of mixed
  stable/testing or testing/unstable systems:
Mixing Debian releases the easy way &
  using the -t switch to apt-get:
Donald R. Spoon pinning procedure:
And followup by Chris Halls

script                  ;Optional: Record a text file of what happens
apt-get update          ;Update the list of available packages
apt-get upgrade         ;Upgrade all packages to the latest available
apt-get -s install kdebase      ;Optional: Simulate the install
apt-get install kdebase         ;Base packages, use with Woody.
                        ;Sid has metapackage "kde", that includes kdebase
                        ;+ much other useful sw. Hopefully "kde" will soon be
                        ;in Woody. In Sid, "apt-get install kde" instead
                        ;of "apt-get install kdebase".
exit                    ;Only if did 'script'.  Saves file 'typescript'
mv typescript typescript.000.txt        ;Optional: Rename avoids overwrite

***** Printing

***** CUPS
apt-get install cupsys  ;CUPS= Common Linux Printing System.  Server.
apt-get install cupsys-client   ;Client
apt-get install kdelibs3-cups   ;Gives KDE the ability to use cups as
;printer system. You get a very nice printing dialog with this.
;Provides control center printer config.

;Great drivers for a huge number of printers.  It presents a huge
;number of options for papers, color algorithms, image quality, etc.
;You may prefer the drivers in cupsomatic-ppd.
apt-get install cupsys-driver-gimpprint ;Optional: more printer drivers
apt-get install cupsomatic-ppd  ;Optional: more printer drivers?
apt-get install cupsys-bsd      ;Optional: fakes the usual comands to use
        ;the cups printer system.  With it you can say "lpr -Pprinter
        ;printer_fiel.ps" and everything works. You also get lpq and lprm.
apt-get install cupsys-pstoraster       ;?
http://mumford1.dyndns.org/~bs7452/linuxhelp/cups.html  ;Other CUPS info

adduser usrname lpadmin ;Adds the user "usrname" to the group "lpadmin" in
                        ;the /etc/group file so usrname can admin CUPS.
/etc/init.d/cupsys restart      ;Restart the printer server w/ this command
Control Center > System > Printing Manager      ;Printer control.
        ;You may be able to set up CUPS from here, without doing the
        ;http://localhost:631 method below.
        ;[If you find this to be true, let me know & I'll remove the "may".]
        ;You need the root pw to commit the changes or the password of
        ;a person with write permissions in /etc/cups (if your username
        ;hasn't been added to lpadmin of /etc/groups?).
        ;[Above not verified by tluxt. Reader: please notify me if true.]
http://localhost:631            ;Log in as a user you added above.
  select admin, add printer, name location, etc         ;Printer setup.
    printer brand, driver (try simplest in the list) color/bwb dpi
  select test page print        ;Verify printer works.
Konq - print a page             ;Try printing from a program.
kprinter  docname.pdf           ;Used to print a page.

***** Postscript
apt-get install kghostview      ;GUI interface Postscript/PDF view/print.
apt-get install gs              ;Optional: Ghostscript.
apt-get install gs-aladdin      ;Optional: Non-free. More recent than gs
                                ;and contains more drivers.
                                ;Note: am told installing gs-aladdin will
                                ;remove gs - True?

cd writer

sound - alsa? opensound?
(have to get & compile kernel?)

mpg player
other kde media player?
avi player?


2) General Debian Info

apt-get install apt-howto??     ;Correct filename??
Quick Reference for Debian GNU/Linux

apt-get install aee     ;Optional: Easy/simple editor for text mode display.
aee filename            ;Edits file filename.

***** Finding the best Debian mirror to DL from
Mirrors for the Debian distribution -

Here are some Debian archives/repositories:

If you have access to a Debian system, netselect can be used to determine
which Debian mirror to DL SW from, by doing a ranking of mirror sites as
seen from your location. The best one has the lowest score.
If you install by DLing from the net, use that IP address as the site to
dl from when you do the base install, and for your /etc/apt/sources.list.

apt-get install netselect
netselect -vv http.us.debian.org ftp1.sourceforge.net ftp2.sourceforge.net
netselect -vv mirrors.kernel.org ftp3.sourceforge.net ftp4.sourceforge.net
netselect -vv linux.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU ftp.eecs.umich.edu
netselect -vv ftp.linux.co.za ftp.nectec.or.th ftp.jyu.fi debian.psu.ru

[whois, nslookup, ping, dig, host, traceroute]

Note the correct syntax for http access to the sourceforge site is
confusing: http://ftp1.sourceforge.net/debian/
Yes, you are getting http access from an ftp site address.

It is usually slightly (10%??) faster to DL (or just for "apt-get
update"?) from an http rather than ftp archive, because when using
ftp it has to log into the archive before getting data from it.

===== Optional:  Linux kernel websites.
===== Nice: www.kernel.org/mirrors shows site speed.
You can read intersting stuff at:

Mirror lists for the linux kernel -
http://www.kernel.org/mirrors/countries/html/US.html    ;* lists speeds.
http://mirrors.kernel.org/              ;for many things.

Here is the kernel.org Linux kernel archive/repository:
===== End Optional

3) KDE Software

Chris Cheney is currently the maintainer of most of KDE for Debian.

KDE Packagers - What's the plan/roadmap/future & timescale?

Ways (other than asking someone, like in the debian-kde list) to find,
on one's own, the appropriate sw to use under the KDE system:

http://apps.kde.com             -Good.  Provides rankings.
http://www.kde.com/Applications -Same db, tree interface vs flat.
http://linux.tucows.com         -Good.  Provides rankings.
http://freshmeat.net            -OK. Big list. Good search. Provides rankings.
                                 Browse is not segmented enough for my liking.
http://packages.debian.org      -Very comprehensive. For the purpose of being
                                 helpful to quickly finding useful sw, this
                                 location could use some upgrading.
http://www.kde.org              -Only points to apps.kde.com

apt-cache search kde | less
apt-cache search pdf | grep -i kde
apt-cache show kghostview
apt-cache show kdebase
apt-cache showpkg kdebase

Some notes about: What is keeping 'kde' metapackage out of Woody?

> Subject: What is keeping 'kde' metapackage out of Woody?
> Q: And, where exactly in the Debian package system database web info pages
> can this info be found?

See this and look at kdelibs:

kdeadmin -> rpm -> doesn't build on m68k currently (will be fixed RSN)
kdegraphics -> bad NMU
kdelibs -> depends on glib1.3 (will be removed when I upload package)
kdenetwork -> build failed on hppa (patch avail and will be applied)
kdepim -> has RC bugs
kdeutils -> bad NMU

> --- Chris Cheney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Mon, Feb 04, 2002 at 01:23:13AM -0800, tluxt wrote:
> > > I guess the relevant item here is "meta-kde", right?
> >
> > Yes, all packages that are built from a source have to go into testing
> > (woody) at the same time.
> > > Yow!  That looks like a _lot_ of work needing to be done on meta-kde!
> > > All those things have to go away before meta-kde can get into W, right?
> >
> > It isn't as bad as it looks, currently the reason it is being held out I
> > believe is due to a bad NMU that was numbered as a source NMU instead of
> > binary only NMU.  With the next upload of the various packages that I do
> > it should fix that problem.
> When do you think you will have that next upload done?

Hopefully within this next week. There are some other changes I want to
make along with fixing that issue.

> In order to inform persons who want to know the process to use to keep up
> with what needs to be done for kde in Debian, would you state briefly the
> chain of evidence that one follows to know where holdup-causing problems
> in getting package kde into a state satisfactory for it to be moved to
> woody?

Steps to get package into Woody:

1. Build package
2. Upload package to ftp-master
3. At approximately 1:52pm (CST) dinstall installs package into sid
4. Build daemons download package and attempt to build.
5. After building build daemons upload package to ftp-master
6. Installed into Woody if all of the following occur.
        a. Correct number of days have passed (according to priority)
        b. No RC (serious or above) bugs exist for package.
        c. If all daemons have built and uploaded package (for archs
           that were available for previous version).

***** Tracing package problems re: KDE
Here is a thread looking at how to find out the current status of
problems remaining in the packaging of KDE for Debian:
What is keeping 'kde' metapackage out of Woody?


Thanks to: David Bishop, Jason Boxman, Jens Benecke, Olaf Stetzer,
Chris Cheney,
Donald R. Spoon, Chris Halls - pinning procedure;
the debian-kde list,
and others [including persons who have sent me private email re this, &
haven't responded to my enquiry about their posting their suggestions to
the list.  :)  ].  

Apologies if you see a contribution of yours here and
aren't mentioned - I've gotten so much email about this I'm sure I'm
losing track of some of it!.  If you wish to be included in the thanks
list here [and I suggest you should!  :)], please email me & I'll add you.

Copyright Notice

This document may be distributed and modified under the terms of the GNU
General Public License.
 © 2002 tluxt 

This manual is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. 

This manual is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without
any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness
for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more

A copy of the GNU General Public License is available as
/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL in the Debian GNU/Linux distribution or on the
World Wide Web at the GNU website. You can also obtain it by writing to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA. 

We require that you properly attribute Debian and the authors of this
document on any materials derived from this document. If you modify and
improve this document, we request that you notify the authors of this
document, via [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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