--- Chris Cheney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 30, 2002 at 08:32:43PM -0800, tluxt wrote:
> > Listing things such as the status of KDE for Woody & Sid,
> > the recommended packages to install for W&S (for instance, "kde" is
> > more comprehensive, but doesn't exist yet in W, therefore in W install
> > "kdebase"), the status for KDE3, etc?
> > 
> > Please reply to this debian-kde@lists.debian.org list.
> I have something like this, but nearly as detailed at p.d.o/~ccheney/
> basically it just tells what I am currently doing.  It is heavily
> modeled after Branden's XSF page (see the source ;).  A faq type page
> would probably be good to have also, if you want I can put it in my dir,
> or it can be setup elsewhere.

It would be good to have such info on a URL that is easy for people
new to Debian to find - maybe kde.debian.org.  Perhaps, even, that link 
could be put at the bottom of the left menu bar on http://www.debian.org
under a heading "Family", similar to what is done at www.kde.org.

Chris: do you think that would be useful to anyone?  Would you like
to set that up?  Would you like me to investigate how that could get

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