-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On Tuesday 15 January 2002 12:58 pm, Oliver Johns wrote: > > And HEINOUSLY violates that little "policy" thing of ours that > > no-one cares about. You put your own stuff in /opt/kde[23], > > that's what it's for - your *own* stuff. For packagers, it's > > another /usr/local - touch and burn. Also, in general, putting > > random subdirs under /usr is exceedingly bad practice, and it > > also violates that little policy thing. (Bear in mind that the > > FHS is also policy). > > The Debian policy is violated, in principle anyhow, > by the whole X-windows system. It DOES have its own special > subdirectories. The reason is that it is so large and > complicated that good sense demands putting it in a special > place to make it easier to keep track of it. The real question > is whether kde and gnome have now reached that status. I think > they have. For one thing, people who use both kde and gnome > experience trouble knowing which app or which library or shared > file belongs to which. It would be VERY helpful, and quite > rational, for Debian to follow, or even one-up, the other dists > and treat BOTH of those two mega-systems specially.
Well, if it starts with a "K"..... ;-) On a more serious note, that's what dpkg -S /usr/lib/foo.so is for: a quick way to know what belongs to who. The only reason *I* can think of to seperate things is if they start stepping on each other's toes (use the same library, but different and incompatabile versions, but the same major version (it's happened)) and I don't know if it's to that point yet. The only problem I have with the packaging of kde is when I try to compile something like kpilot (to which I contribute very little) and install, I end up having to put stuff into /usr, just to get it to work (i've never successfully compiled a kde app into /usr/local and had it work). However, that is no different than if it was in /usr/kde2, or /opt/kde or whatever. IOW, it's a KDE problem, not a debian one :-) > Does the Debian policy ever change? Yes, see debian-policy :-) - -- D.A.Bishop -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iD8DBQE8RIutEHLN/FXAbC0RAocGAKCB0VKcGAnvXxzdxDrgyGxjGaRN0ACeLy2w +MAZsB43NMhbXr8I7+zBYO8= =SAM7 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----