Hi all, I've read the FAQs and bugreports, so I know this has been an issue before. I still wish to get som more information.
When printing from the embedded imageviewer in Konqueror I had no problem printing an image on my Epson C20UX USB-printer. I'm using CUPS and gimp-print. The printing dialog is a CUPS-aware dialog. It seems like Koffice is not CUPS-aware, is it not using the CUPS aware printing system in KDE 2.2.2 ? I was able to print from Koffice using CUPS (or rather CUPS fake lp) after I had read through FAQs and maillist archives, but images were not included, which I found have been an issue in the Debian Koffice .debs before. KDE bug report #33474 (http://bugs.kde.org/db/33/33474.html). There has been no follow up on that bug report, and it is dated 8 Oct 2001. What I do not know is if this is a problem with the Debian release of Koffice, or if it is a problem using CUPS's lp. Is it gimp-print related? Or even gs-related? I'm not good at bugtracking these thing because of my not-yet-good knowledge in cups / kde / koffice. Anyway, my main concern is now to try getting up a qtcups print dialog instead of the one used by koffice. It would be a lot better than using the lpr printing. The best would be to have koffice use the KDE printing manager, thus it would pop up the same dialog as the imageviewer and allow to change printing options without having to create pseudo printers. Happy new year to all, -=< ZeiMoT >=- /_________ ___ _ ___ ___ ____ ________\ // _______)(___ ( ( V ) ( ) ( \\ // (________(______)__) | (___\__/____) \\ /=================================================\ / [EMAIL PROTECTED] \