Did an upgrade last night, and found I have lost the ability to use a capital E in some of my terminal programs and also at the console level. :--( xterm, Eterm (yeah! start that from a term w/o E), rxvt, and console do not have the E. I'm grasping, but could this have something to do with the euro changes that were being discussed in the list earlier this week? - -- ______________________________________________________________________________ OutCast Computer Consultants of Central Oregon http://outcast-consultants.redmond.or.us [EMAIL PROTECTED] (541) 504-1388 Toll Free (866) 562-7160 Via IRC at; Via ICQ: UIN 138930 "Failure is not an option...it's bundled with Microsoft" -anonymous- Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please! "Software is like sex. They're both better when they're free!!" - Linus Torvalds "As a computing professional, I believe it would be unethical for me to advise, recommend, or support the use (save possibly for personal amusement) of any product that is or depends on any Microsoft product."