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On Sunday 25 November 2001 14:49, you wrote:
> Well you need a few things:
> a working /etc/Xftconfig (I can send mine if you want)
> anti alias turned on in KDE (kcontrol / look and feel / styles)
> XFree 4
> Probably your Xftconfig isn't set up

My Xftconfig is doin' well, AA works, but KDE doesn't initialize it when it 
starts! The option is set in Kcontrol (and in the config-file). But the 
QT_XFT - variable is not set!!!!!
I now set it in /usr/bin/kde2, but that's not really nice;
Moreover the Font-selection of the system behaves strangely: I chose 
sans-serif fonts whereever I found something to choose fonts, but sometimes 
(i.e. here in KMail, when I confirm to send my GPG-Signed Message) it falls 
back to that strange-looking "agate".

- -- 
Wenn auch die Sicherheit vor den Menschen bis zu einem gewissen Grade
eintritt durch eine bestimmte Macht, Störungen zu beseitigen, und
durch Reichtum, so entspringt doch die reinste Sicherheit aus der Ruhe
und dem Rückzug aus der Masse. (Epikur)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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