ok..2.2.2 is in sid now...I have to re-upload kdelibs as I left in a
Recommends for libssl and since libssl is still in non-US I broke policy so
I got screamed at.  :)

other than that I have no plans on uploading a kdelibs3-crypto nor a 
kdebase-crypto.  What this means to all of you is that you won't have
your crypto kcontrol module (no configure your crypto settings) and for
non-i386 users you won't have ssl support.  For i386 users if you have
libssl0.9.6 installed it should dynamically recognize it's installed and
just work.

Once libssl goes into main I'll re-upload kdelibs and kdebase to include
the crypto module and build support for crypto.  Otherwise if crypto doesn't
actually go into main then I'll provide the -crypto packages via non-US.


Ivan E. Moore II
GPG Fingerprint=F2FC 69FD 0DA0 4FB8 225E 27B6 7645 8141 90BC E0DD

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