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On Friday 16 November 2001 09:14, you wrote:
> Ouch.  C++? Best programming language??  Well, it's one up on assembler I
> suppose.

Assembler's great! I love coding with it, it's like a thrilling 
game and a real challange - and that's what makes and keeps coding 
interesting! I also tried OOP with Borland Turbo-Assembler (I started 
programming with DOS...). But you're true, it is not powerfull (this means in 
a way usefull!!!!) enough to handle big projects! In this case a good 
object-orientated, abstract implementation (and that's what KDE is!) is in my 
opinion the only usefull way to go. --> C++ as a good way  between system and 
high level (and KDE/QT IS high-level and abstract!)

> Actually, java's much nicer: it's just swing, AWT and the Sun run-time
> which suck.  I like gcj a lot.

Never tried gcj, but i will if you say so! But I think that programming with 
java hides so many interesting and sometimes iportant system-level things 
from the programmer, that it is nice to start with and learn OOP, but NOT to 
write big, powerfull apps....

> Sorry  about the outburst, but I was provoked 8-)
No problem, there will never be one "right" opinion about it and thats good! 
But we should all be able to discuss about it and present our pros/cons. 
Imagine there would ONLY be either assembler or java; wouldn't it be damn 

> > I never hear this, "Windows for Teletubbies", but it's nice;-) What you
> > said about the audience:
> It's a very popular televison program for pre-school children in the UK
> broadcast by the BBC.  Sort of Televison for Windows users.
I knew teletubbies, but not the expression "Windows for Teletubbies"...

> Nick/
- -- 
Wenn auch die Sicherheit vor den Menschen bis zu einem gewissen Grade
eintritt durch eine bestimmte Macht, Störungen zu beseitigen, und
durch Reichtum, so entspringt doch die reinste Sicherheit aus der Ruhe
und dem Rückzug aus der Masse. (Epikur)
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