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> > If you could explain how I go about this I'd be grateful. Can I upgrade
> > via apt-get ?
> What I do is simply replacing 'stable' by 'testing' in your apt source
> list update your available package list and start install. In most cases
> everything works fine. Anyway, I always backup my entire system before
> upgrading ... just in case.

I did that once and it worked well, but just in case: run apt-get -f install 
several times, and make use of apt-get dist-upgrade!!!

> Woody works well.

That's my opinion as well...

> By the way, when I upgraded a system from woody to sid my KDE
> packages could not be automatically installed. I had first to unistall
> all KDE packages and install the new ones after and than it worked.

It works if you don't, but the system is "cleaner" if you do so. Make sure to 
install ALL KDE2.2 related apps from unstable!!! (especially the libs and 
doc-debs!!!) But all in all it works really fine, I'm just writing from a 
woody-box with sid's KDE-packages... and my KDE-session is running several 
days now...

> Bye, Steffen
- -- 
Wenn auch die Sicherheit vor den Menschen bis zu einem gewissen Grade
eintritt durch eine bestimmte Macht, Störungen zu beseitigen, und
durch Reichtum, so entspringt doch die reinste Sicherheit aus der Ruhe
und dem Rückzug aus der Masse. (Epikur)
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