The last week there was an interesting discussion about the Euro Symbol within KDE which I followed with great interest, cause I need it as well. I also realized that I didn't have the Euro-Symbol anywhere, so I started to grep the web for info. I managed to make it work on Console (for all those who are interested in how to do that, see later...) and "X without TrueType". Here're the details: As I said, it works fine in console... I have the xfs-xtt as well as the xfs font-server running (both standard debian setup). No other fonts in XF86Config-4 given! Now when I start gtkfontsel I can see (I think so...) all fonts available (I can select comic sans ms, a microsoft-font, wich is for sure a TT-Font!). When I choose a ISO-8859-15 font, I can type the "EuroSign" without any problem. I can even copy it to the Clipboard and I see the correct sign in Klipper. But I cannot paste it, I get a ' '. I can read Websites and eMails with the "EuroSign", but I cannot copy and paste it anywhere! And by typung <AltGr><e> I get that circle over an x, as explained in all the other eMails before. I do not have the slightest Idea what that could be... Can anybody help me? Thnx in advance... Now for all those who want/need the Euro-Symbol on console and did not manage to get it work at all, here's a summary of what I did (my entries are for Austria, but they should work for any other Language, as long as it uses ISO-8859-15): edit /etc/locale.gen: de_AT ISO-8859-15 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ISO-8859-15 en_US ISO-8859-1 execute locale-gen edit /etc/environment: LC_ALL=de_AT [EMAIL PROTECTED] LANGUAGE=de_AT LC_CTYPE=de_AT (some lines might be redundant, so if anyone knows better just tell me!) Be sure that you chose a "Latin1" Keyboard; If you're not, just exec "dpkg-reconfigure console-data" and choose an appropriate keyboard (for me: pc/qwertz/German/Standard/latin1) edit /etc/console-tools/config: SCREEN_FONT=lat0-16 Reboot and that's it!!! Franz - -- Wenn auch die Sicherheit vor den Menschen bis zu einem gewissen Grade eintritt durch eine bestimmte Macht, StÃrungen zu beseitigen, und durch Reichtum, so entspringt doch die reinste Sicherheit aus der Ruhe und dem RÃckzug aus der Masse. (Epikur) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iD8DBQE72a+beSeJPuOA2l4RAlVuAJ9zDsjzVv4fIGKRTF2f7pNEVNNLUACfRM75 cuBJ7cKSpVd8SzWT24vhtgc= =2ivj -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----