> - I have Word 97 which doesn't read Word 2000 stuff (after all, this is > Microsoft). Staroffice does >
Thats pretty much BS. I hate seeing FUD spread around ... so the following should clear everything up. http://procure.msfc.nasa.gov/msfc/metro/msoffice00_97info.html http://www.ust.hk/itsc/msoffice/compatible.html only a few features aren't supported under Word97, and there are ones that people tend not to use (like a table within another table). And even when Word97 runs into those newer features, it does a semi-decent job of trying to display the document correctly, as opposed to just screwing it up all the way. Sunny Dubey. PS: I was unware that StarOffice 6 would be able to read OfficeXP's file formats, I wonder if the guys at Koffice plan to pick up on this.