On Monday 24 September 2001 20:31, Jens Benecke wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 24, 2001 at 09:12:53AM -0700, Frank Murphy wrote:
> > So I recently installed Progeny, and installed their KDE. Then KDE 2.2
> > came out, so I managed to uninstall their KDE and install the KDE from
> > unstable (with the apt sources, etc.). apt seems to be as cool as
> > everyone says. Now, I want to upgrade to 2.2.1, and this is a totally
> > newbie question:  What's the apt command? install or update? I'm nervous
> > about update, so I figured I'd ask here. I didn't see it anywhere else.
> Debian doesn't do 'update'. Install always works. The 'update' command is
> for updating the local file server indexes (so that APT knows what files
> are available).
> So if you want a newer version of a package, 'install' it.

Thank you. That wasn't clear before. I tried `apt-get upgrade kde` but it 
tried to upgrade my whole system to sid. `apt-get update; apt-get install 
kde` did the trick.

> > Also, why is it that the Debian apps (games, etc) are in "Debian"
> > sub-menus? I'd prefer they weren't, but I don't know the ins-n-outs of
> > Debain menu-policy (obviously).
> Debian creates _all_ menus via a central menu system. That way you always
> have those apps available that are actually installed. You can customize
> the scripts in /etc/menu-methods or add new menu items in /etc/menu for
> your own system.
> Beware, manual global changes to the menus (eg. in /usr/share/applnk) will
> be overwritten by the next update-menus call (ie. the next package
> installation/removal).

OK, but why don't the Debian packages put KWord in the central menu system? 
It seems strange that the KDE things don't go in the central system, and the 
Gnome things (ie Gimp, gtcd) do go in the central system.

I just don't like the extra sub-menu I need to play TEG. :)


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