Hello, alltogether; I have a question concerning koffice and all the k-tools!
I installed koffice (version 1.1-beta2-3), and also other tools like kspread, kpresenter on my workstation (same versions). But when I open the tools most of the icons in the menu (for example the icon-button for currency in kspread) are shown by "?". What maybe the problem? The desired icon-picture does not appear! Did I forget to install special packages or is it because of the version? I installed the version: kdebase-libs and kdelibs3 2.1.2-3 on my system. I'm also running a woody-system. But I do not really know what kind of mode I'm running. I suppose I'm running a hicolor mode -but I'm not sure. Thanks - Heide Thanks in advance. Heide