On Thursday 28 June 2001 12:57 am, Ivan E. Moore II wrote: > Ok...so with kde 2.2 mostly uploaded (some bits already installed) to sid I > turned focus to QT again especially since I've personally had many crashes > of konsole due to the whole GL bit. >... > any major issues before I upload the new packages?
I would like some advice here. I have a "mostly" woody system with libqt and libqt-dev installed, but the rest of kde built from source with QTDIR set to /usr/share/qt and ./configure --prefix=/usr for all the packages which seems to put the source where debian would have put it. I have avoiding building qt-copy (or qt from trolltech) because I am not sure I can easily figure out how to get it in the same directories as for debian. If I get it wrong I then am without a workstation until I can figure out whats right. I therefore need to get it right first time. Looking at what you have done, it seem that you may have either built qt in /usr/share/qt directory and then moved the result away and then put in some symlins, or built a subdirectory structure first with symlinks and then extracted qt into the relevant place. I am suffering from Konq crashes whenever I browse a site which requires the flash plugin (which is installed) unless I switch off plugins. I would like to go to some sites where it is necessary - hence I want to make this work. Are these crashes related to how the debian libqt and libqt-dev packages are built (either with gl or without gl - I am not sure I understand which way round). Following what you said above I expected to find both a libqt and a libqt-gl package in unstable now - but only a libqt and a libqt3 appear to be there. Can you either tell me where to point my /etc/apt/sources.list to get the right version of libqt and libqt-dev or give me some advice on how to take the qt-copy source (once it is out of CVS) and build it such that I end up with it installed in the right place. TIA -- Alan - [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.chandlerfamily.org.uk