I just fixed AA under KDE on my woody box. 

I had to get the brand new 4.1.0 from 


to get my card to RENDER. But if your card is already supported in 4.0.3 
I don't recommend changing. Installing a non debian packed xserver really 
up the package dependencies and it took a lot of fiddling to settle everything

Supposedly 4.1 delivers a performance boost


but I for one didn't fall of my chair in amazement.

You can get the Windows TrueType fonts as a debian package 'msttcorefonts'.

The documents that guided me:

 "... but you must do EXACTLY what I tell you to do", Morpheus

oivvio polite 
cell +46 (0)709 30 40 30 / phone +46 (0)8 669 64 18 / fax +46 (0)8 84 00 18 
varvsgatan 10A / s-117 29 stockholm / sweden

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