On Mon, May 07, 2001 at 06:18:15PM -0700, G. L. `Griz' Inabnit wrote: > On Monday 07 May 2001 17:05, JC Portlock wrote something to this effect: > > Hi y'all, > > > > Apt-get updated and upgraded my potato box last night. I didn't notice > > till just now that Licq is no longer on the K-menu and when I try to > > run it in konsole I get this: > > > > Dir=~ pts/2$ licq > > 16:54:51: [WRN] Licq: Ignoring stale lockfile (pid 22052) ^^^^^ > John, > You've got a stale lockfile (usually ~/.licq/licq.pid). If that file > exists, > rm it and try again.
As you can see, the stale lockfile is only a warning. The problem is probably with the changed qt-libraries. John, try to upgrade your licq, or when it is not possible, compile it yourself. If you have deb-srcs in your sources.list, you can easily do it with apt-get -b source licq (or something similar, I do not know the correct package name) Of course, if licq is from kde.debian.org, then you don't have luck, Ivan probably doesn't creates src debs (yet?). Sorry for the bad english. -- Akos Putz