"Bruce Best (CRO)" wrote:

> I have a virtually identical setup; AMD K6-2 450, 192 MB RAM, IDE hard
[...]                                 ^^^^^^^^
> I recently added 128Mb RAM to this system, going from 64 to 192Mb. I thought
> it might speed things up, but I haven't really noticed any difference with
> KDE.

Application startup takes ages for me too; on a notebook of mine, it
went away when I deleted the .kde user directory. On another
computer, this didn't help but he had a resolv.conf entry for some
nameservers that weren't reachable; this caused *extensive*
slowdown. I found out about that with stat, the process was hanging
in a DNS query poll.

On my current system, I also get slowdown, but I assume it is
because the mainboard for my K6-2 333 has a cacheable area of just
64 MB; this means any memory above this is painfully slow. This
would hurt at application startup time I suppose... 

Maybe one of these things helps you!

-Yours Malte #8-)

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